So obviously lots has happened since my last blog post. I conquered my insane spending sprees I used to have with a serious amount of help from Steve, I bought a new car as a present to myself on how well I did with the saving, but the biggest news I have to share is me and Steve are expecting our first child.
Ok yes this is huge news, the next bombshell is that I'm currently 37+3 weeks pregnant, so nearly due to pop.
So I guess id best start at the beginning.
December 2nd (my sisters birthday) I took a pregnancy test, no reason other than I knew I was a week late but put it down to the stress of Christmas and the salon being super busy, but I had been feeling rather sick in the mornings.
Nothing can nor will it ever prepare you for the moment you see them two blue lines on the white little stick you just peed on. No matter how much you've longed to have children.
Steve and myself had been fairly open at the idea of having children and both agreed that rather than constantly trying it would happen itself when it happened and we wasn't going to stress out over it., with this in mind I still sat on the toilet seat for about 10 minutes trying to process what had come up, everytime I glanced away I expected it to change to one line boldly shining up at me and that the two was a mistake, when I realised this wasn't happening I read and re-read the instructions to make sure two lines did actually still indicate pregnancy.
So many thoughts and emotions went through my head in those moments I sat letting it sink in. How would Steve react? How would I cope? Will I be any good? Can I actually look after someone that is solely dependant on me all the time? Telling Steve was the hardest but also the most exciting thing iv done, obviously he was over the moon and helped put my little wobble at ease.
We decided to do another test in the morning to be sure before finding out with a doctor what we had to do next.
That night I couldn't sleep. Id gone from doubting myself to over exciting myself within hours. By 5am I admitted defeat and got up, I spent the next 2 hours researching via google different pictures of pregnancy tests to see if they had ever been wrong. At 7am I took my second test and was relived to see that them two lines were just as bold as the night before, the two minutes I sat waiting were the longest of my life. I just stared at the test to the point I was seeing 4 lines. Rubbing my eyes I skipped into the bedroom to show Steve the outcome.
We was given our first midwife appointment in Christmas Eve 2014. Followed by a 12 week scan 17th jan 2015. By this point sickness had kicked in and I was struggling to hid the news from people. The sickness got so bad I ended up in hospital New Year's Day as I couldn't keep a thing down not even water.
It was then I knew I had to mention it to my bosses at work, id fully planned to wait until 12 weeks but I didn't want them thinking I was absent from work because of a long suffering hangover.
The sickness finally stopped at 18 weeks but I still had the nausea feeling and just ended up gagging all the time until 24 weeks. I can't say I enjoyed the early part of pregnancy because it really was awful.
At out 20 week scan both Steve and myself opted to find out the sex of the baby providing they could see, this was purely down to the fact that Steve wanted to feel more connected with little one giving us an idea on the sex but also so we could buy stuff. Most places lack neutral colours these days, I'm guessing that's down to more and more people finding out the sex.
We was over the moon to be told we was having a boy :)
I'm now on maternity leave. Starting as I mean to go on meeting up with other expectant mummy's for coffee or lunch and soaking up this glorious weather we have been having.
If one more persons asks if I'm struggling in this heat I think I will go insane, weather like this was made for me and I'm loving it.
Having a years worth of holiday to use up I tagged that on the start of my leave so finished earlier than normal.
This was most welcomed after I had struggled with lots of swelling. Hairdressing isn't a great job to be in and be mega busy when your pregnant.
Now I have (that is until baby arrives) time on my hands I'm hoping to do a few more blog posts and get back into blogging again.
Having a years worth of holiday to use up I tagged that on the start of my leave so finished earlier than normal.
This was most welcomed after I had struggled with lots of swelling. Hairdressing isn't a great job to be in and be mega busy when your pregnant.
Now I have (that is until baby arrives) time on my hands I'm hoping to do a few more blog posts and get back into blogging again.
Obviously I shall include blog posts on my new little arrival when the time comes but If anyone would like to me do a certain post please feel free to comment below and I'll do my best to do that :)
I promise not to leave it another year for another blog post. I'm already planning on my next one :)
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